Hey man if you want to resend there isnt going to be any hard feelings and i really dont think there would be an issue of you still haning with us on ts. we had some fun games. hope to still see you around
Hey Steve sorry you feel you need to "resend" your app. as like the "Before posting please *READ*" thread says ... "Keep in mind that there is no real time frame for the process as we like to try and have as many as our current active member get the chance to get to know you as you them!" Life always come first and gaming with your bros will always be there when you/we can! That's is why we set up a Tue. Night Clan Practice night so we can all try and get together at least 1 night a week! If you change you mind we can continue the process and your always welcome here as r3ap3r said! Take care and hope to see you on the Battlefield! :greed:
Wait, resend as in resubmit or rescind? Based on context I think it's rescind as in taking back your submission. No hard feelings on my end. I've not been on much due to my busy schedule...
LOL ya rescind Munkie lol got to love spell check..... thanks all I am "Sure" I will see you ALL in game (a specialty you r3ap3r63 you know what i mean 14 to 3 !!! LOL) and will check TS before i get on just to see who is on. Kill fast and be strong AW !!!! Thanks MBK
Why you crappy piece of sh.......hahahaha...lol.....naw just joking buddie. Just keep hanging out with us. Your great fun!
LOL Well you cant get rid of this crappy piece of a shooter that EZ I will still be around !!!!! Watch that corner !!!!! MBK