Separate names with a comma.
Sup Surg!! When I get a minute I'll read your longggg post bro!! :eusa_doh: ~Res
Hey brother!! Wassup man!! Wow... Glad to see your back around man! :icon_biggrin: Been 2 years! Look out everyone! Another Grimm!! LoL So...
Welcome bro! V3non you talking about Farcry4? Are you our old team mate {AW}V3nom? You a friend of Die's? :wavey: ~Res
I might pick up Titanfall for that price!! ~Res
I don't think I'll ever buy another COD game! Farcry 4 though is sick on my new GTX980! :woot: Hoping.....Hardline will be better than the...
If I received regular donations.... I might re-think pulling it, plus with the activity its been getting over the last 2 months... Doesnt seem...
The hulk is back!! Very cool! I'd put battlefield on your list of games to buy for sure! :wavey: ~Res
Looks like the best farcry yet!! I preordered the season pass ect!! :icon_biggrin:...
Well Looks like another Borderlands is coming soon. This takes place In pandora after borderlands 2... Creator of Walking Dead is involved with...
Wassup Sex!! Me too....looking forward to the next edition! : ~Res
Looks like another hopefully great game! I'll be looking forward to more videos ect! ~Res
Sweet!! Just got my load of keys! Now where's the box? LOL ~Res
Looks scary! :eusa_doh: ~Res
Locked and fully loaded! 7 day count down starts now! :lsvader: ~Res
Very cool! :wavey: ~Res
Trick shot? Wasn't he just trying to get back in jet? ~Res
I 2nd that! :eusa_doh: ~Res
Not recovered enough to to even make since right now!! LoL I'm sure Sheriff Laambo will soon find his way here very soon and post our rubber...
Totally awesome game! Makes me want to re-install it! :wavey: What character you start with? I forgot the name of big dude that has turrets?...
WooT.. Out of the stone age!! LOL Are you running push or pull on with your i100? Lets see a 3d mark score bro! ~Res