Separate names with a comma.
:Woot: :party: :Woot: [IMG] WE BROKE THE SOUND BARRIER!!!! :lol_hitting: :laambo:
...just wanted to see if they were messing with me... [IMG] :Woot: ...still looking good! :biggthumsup: :laambo:
I just checked my speeds this morning to make sure nothing has changed with my service because we have been getting notices from our ISP that some...
:wavey: This version replaces the 2 Nukes in the computers with Super Shock Rifle (SSR) and signage that shows where the secret teleporters are...
... so what, you can only view iTube videos and not YouTube vids with your phone! :lol_hitting: looks cool! :biggthumsup: :laambo:
:wavey: Here is the latest look on the LAN party map I'm working on! ... just started to mess with lighting now so feel free to let me know...
:wavey: Server has been changed to Semi HC with a health of 80 vs 100! ... this places our server as "custom" / Ranked now! Also, Clan...
:wavey: Ok, the long awaited wait is over! :icon_wink: Download the latest Beta version HERE! :biggthumsup: :Instagib: :Laambo:
Quick update... [img] :laambo:
Download and play the latest Beta version out now from HERE! :Instagib: :laambo:
yeah, I'm not liking this direction right now.... something just smells fishy to me! :eh: I would much more like a game I can buy from Epic/UT...
:wavey: Ok, I know your all excited to see updates so here you go! ...this map is finally in Beta phase so if your interested in checking out...
Just came upon this... UE4 Dev Community + Epic. The future of Unreal Tournament. Tune in to Thursday at 2pm...
:lol_hitting: ... yeah, I'm going to need more info. / announcements on the subject before I get excited! .... even though I'm dreaming...
Just to let everyone know it is Stanley Cup Playoff time in Hockey world and we (the Laam's) are long time LA Kings fans and tonight is game 3 and...
In Laambo's world of UT Mapping you use what you have to work with then tweak it (if needed) to your needs (like I did) ! :icon_mrgreen: I do...
:wavey: Some slight revisions and additions.... :D [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] ... lets see who can notice (or spot)...
That's right, I said Unreal Tournament 2004! :rocketwhore: :telefrag: We will be playing a blast from the past during the LAN party this...