Separate names with a comma.
Stay active stick around and poof your {AW}! Clan will get a vote going very soon bro! :You_Rock: ~Res
LOL.. Think you might have read my post wrong.. Said it would be nice to ban these a-holes. Seriously thanks for pointing out these dicks!...
Thanks for the heads up bro! Hopefully we will see webadmin soon? Be nice to be able to ban these a-holes!! :buttkick: ~Res
Welcome bro! We need more new blood around these woods! Just stay active hang out and poof your {AW}! :wavey: ~Res
Very cool bro! :wavey: I've ran UT servers for over 10 years and been fun! Hopefully ut4 turns into something great? :icon_biggrin: There's got...
FYI.. BO III beta is available within your steam games folder. Not sure how long the beta will run? so get some now!! ~Res
Looks like they improved the temps with this card. Yeah This is the Ti version and is super fast! :lsvader: Go Go Go :icon_biggrin: ~Res
Yep... This game is going to be awesome! Can't wait till its out! Pre-alpha gameplay: ~Res
I've already preordered! ~Res
This game looks fun! Like the old school ut2k3 carball mod! :lsvader: Trailer... Check out this come back!...
So I did preorder!! Can't wait! ~Res
omfg!! ~Res
Looks awesome!! ~Res
I need one of these as I'm running 4k and need more power captain! :Thanks: ~Res