Separate names with a comma.
Hackers! Lol
Yeah... easy mayhem 4 farming! Please post any more tricks you find? Loving them! Lol ~Res
Laambo Launching me on a rocket! Lol [MEDIA] ~Res
The only difference between the one you sent me and the one I have is yours carries 3 nukes :thanks: passed my old on off to Laambo! Just...
I have the nuke rocket launcher that does 16000 hits of damage. Do you have nuke higher damage? Next time your on... I’ll pop in to check out your...
I believe our ut2k4 booming run server is still running! I recently built new rig and have ut only on disk with no CR ROM to install.. Do you...
DX related to you Laambo? He looks like your Twin! :) I'm on right now and ready to battle.. Didn't know you hit Y to chat.. learn something new...
Yeah those were the good old days for sure! We do have a new UT4 server running... if epic would ever finish the game! That would be EPIC! Don’t...
Hey death! Great to hear from you! Come by our UT4 server, Laambo been pumping out some awesome maps! ~Res
Agree Let’s go homie! ~Res
I bought for $12 on eBay last month and works like charm! I was banned from CD keys because I returned a game I bough for wrong region! Lol...
All I can say is this game is eye candy sick killing! I played 2 hours last night and this game is setting new standard with open world FPS!...
50 mins game play [MEDIA]
Some gameplay.. [MEDIA]
This game is totally growing on me! Its pretty much Left 4 dead 3 2019. [MEDIA] ~Res
There’s not many players that want to mess with the best! Lol ~Res
So we have new game store! Very interesting article! Looks like World War Z and borderlands 3 already onboard. Metro was moved to store couple...
Looks awesome! [MEDIA] ~Res
Need me to fix? Lol