Separate names with a comma.
now that we have better lighting builds and working redirect with progress bar working will get this back on the server for some extra added fun!...
so your going to make me sign up with twitch! :eek: lol
very cool bro!
That is awesome! ... me and halfblocked the other day saw/played with him and was wondering if was the real deal or an imitation/copy cat!
what I have found is when importing meshes they have seemed to be real small! ... so I have been increasing the import sizes just to be able to...
Congratulation {AW}FX^ ! ... :Welcome: to the Clan! ... you will need to login with the {AW}FX^ now to gain access to clan's Private...
:iamwithstupid: ... I'll see about getting this done by the weekend! :icon_wink: :laambo:
:iamwithstupid: WHAT HE SAID! :new_all_coholic: :laambo:
It's Pre Alpha, Server/Hub is under construction....everyone still learning what they can and what we cannot do with Hub servers! Thank you for...
Well It's about time! :new_all_coholic: ... was wondering how long it was going to take! :thinking: It's pretty easy, just make sure you...
ok, paid a quick visit to your server the other night to check n what maps you had and I'm impressed! I do have a few more you don't have and I...
I just might have to pay your server a visit to see what maps you have/don't have! :icon_biggrin: I'm sure I may have a few you don't have...
:wavey: Sup Lizard! ... thanks for stopping by the forums! You guys been following the development/progress of UT4 :biggthumsup:
New Update yesterday.... get your UT4 Launcher Updated! :biggthumsup:
Just to update you all we now have 4 Dedicated UT4 Servers and a New HUB Server I just launched last night! :Woot: Please keep in mind that...
:eek2: lmao ...they seem to be smaller card as well not like the monsters of old where BIGGER was BETTER! :icon_biggrin: :laambo:
Currently only the 3 community map test servers are up and running with Stock maps only! This update/build released earlier today changed a lot...
I'm just not into zombies mods/games! :undecided: :laambo:
:biggthumsup: Looks interesting!
:wavey: Newest member of the server family! DM-OuterSpaceArena [img] ...hey, didn't know what to call it and I pulled Trampoline off...