Separate names with a comma.
WoW :eek:
Awesome .... just direct ppl to HERE if they don't have it and it feels like it's not working for them! :biggthumsup: Happy fragging ps. Just...
I just tested this out on our Hub and the UTAUNZ Hub and I get the same results! ... as long as the client has this Mutator installed and the...
Hi Cubellius!, Thank you for stopping by and posting a request for the Hub! I have no problems to adding a custom mutator for Custom game play...
I decided to test out shawdowplay and recorded a couple matches from this morning with Res testing out my newest iCTF map and my first iCTF match...
[MEDIA] .... looks awesome! :cool:
Sup Hulk! ............ l o n g t i m e n o s e e ! ! Glad to see you're still alive! ;)
out TS; ip: pw: newawts3server if you see me hanging in AFK give me a poke as most likely I'm working on the hunny do...
Holy F*ck .... look what the cat drug in! Sup BiiiiiTCH! ... long time no see/talk! How the heck you been bro! oh man, your gonna love the new...
Looks like I just missed you last night by 15-20 min. when I jumped on to play a few games before wife gets home! ... usually between 4:30-5pm...
a few of us you can find off and on during the day (when allowed) but others will be after work/dinner in the evenings! ... and some pretty much...
Looks great in the video but the Beta just didn't do it for me!? ... I think they should have introduced a better map like the forest one in this...
glad you like them! :cool: ... sent you a PM for TS! ;)
our TS info is... ip: pw: newawts3server jump in, hang out and make yourself at home! ; )
Hi Jon! Welcome to the forums ! Oh, we been known to fire up the old 2k4 servers from time to time but yeah we have been riding this UT4 wave...
That was FX not Res! lol ;)
Just a quick update on our servers! Our Hub Server is now a "Trusted" Server with Epic! What this means is you can now join our Hub and rank up...
still on the fence...need little more play time to know what im doing to decide if I like it! lol
Very cool....he likes ig and he like our music in our maps! .... sorry hb...he not a fan of Stranded! :eek: lol
cool.... dl now! :cool: