Borderlands 3 Legendary's

Discussion in 'Basically Talk About Whatever?' started by DxTrEm3Fx, Jan 12, 2020.

  1. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Hello guy's,
    I have 300+ lvl 50 Legendary items in my inventory. Let me know if there is something you are searching for? If I have it and don't need it you are welcome to it. Just an fyi I'm looking for an Artifact called the Electric Banjo with Shock Damage and Shock Chance only.
  2. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    I have the nuke rocket launcher that does 16000 hits of damage. Do you have nuke higher damage? Next time your on... I’ll pop in to check out your wall.

  3. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    I don't have anything cool on my wall, all the good stuff is in my bank. Let me check on the nuke I think I have one but I think it's low level.
  4. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    Damn, :eek: 300, I thought my 160 slots in my bank was dope! … well, I would probably have that too if I didn't have 7 game characters to play with! :lolhitting:

    I want to go shopping! :biggthumsup: :thanks:

    DxTrEm3Fx likes this.
  5. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Hello Res,
    The Nuke I have is only lvl 40. In fact it's the only one I've ever received in game. Do you know who drops this gun?
  6. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Okay I just figured out who drops the nuke. I will farm for a lvl 50.
  7. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Hey Res,
    Check your ingame mail, I sent you a new nuke. I'm not sure if its better than what you have?
  8. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Yeah 7 characters is way too many for me. I need to work on my last one or my fourth one. I'm only going to do one of each.
  9. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Hey Res,
    I sent you two Nukes. The 2nd one is much better.
  10. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    … in game mail! I didn't know you could do this! :biggthumsup: now I can send dups to the wife when she's not around! :thanks: :new_all_coholic:
  11. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    The only difference between the one you sent me and the one I have is yours carries 3 nukes :thanks:
    passed my old on off to Laambo!
    Just learned you can email weapons! That's Rad!:instagib:

    I cant get any where on mayham 4.. Do you have a MH level 4 weapon that shreds?
  12. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    MH level 4 weapon that shreds are really going to be based on a specific build for your specific character. The weapon is going to work with a shield or an artifact or with a specific skill tree build.
  13. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Hello Res,
    This starts tomorrow. If you want some gear for MH4.
  14. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    Laambo Launching me on a rocket! Lol

    DxTrEm3Fx likes this.
  15. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Bahahahaha that's hilarious!
  16. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Hello Res,
    There is a legendary loot drop event going on now. You have to hit the red chest for loot. Here is a glitch you can capitalize on with the same red chest over and over. I haven't tried it yet but it runs until Feb, 13th.
  17. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    this works, me and res tried it out! :biggthumsup:
    DxTrEm3Fx likes this.
  18. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    Yeah... easy mayhem 4 farming!

    Please post any more tricks you find?
    Loving them! Lol

    DxTrEm3Fx likes this.
  19. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

  20. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Dang hopefully you got some good gear.

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