So i got on your unreal 4 server and got vote kicked after 5 minutes of being in it. I have only been playing for 2 weeks now and when i got in there i was reking the shit out of everyone. i don't know if those scrubs where supper butthurt of my massive cock and skills but i kinda find it lame that i was banned for being good at the game. Anyway i just wanted to let you people know. P.S To the scrubs that vote kicked me 1v1 me irl faggot <3
Well it wasn't any of us, it was probably triscuit and his crew, they vote kick and ban me every time I play against them. Anyway, a little respect please when posting on the forum.
It's Pre Alpha, Server/Hub is under construction....everyone still learning what they can and what we cannot do with Hub servers! Thank you for posting and letting us know, please be a little more tactful with your explanations and have a little respect for our house/forums/members please! :Thanks: ... we will continue to look/monitor this and take appropriate actions if/when caught! Thank you!
Thanks for the heads up bro! Hopefully we will see webadmin soon? Be nice to be able to ban these a-holes!! ~Res
LOL.. Think you might have read my post wrong.. Said it would be nice to ban these a-holes. Seriously thanks for pointing out these dicks! :Thanks: