Well been playing the single player and man I got to tell you this is a great game. Ill update you later on the multi player. Im old and cant remember and there is a lot of keys to memorize so I thought Id try the single player for awhile first.
COD Single Player Game Play have always been some of the best ones out there! ...I've always enjoyed the ride!
yeah but in our case it comes down to wether or not the multi is just a bunch of bunny hopping noobs if thats the case im wont be getting it. if phill says otherwise we shall then talk but until then i will wait and see.
Yea Reap, multiplayer is very good. Not as good as the single player is but it is still leaps ahead of Ghost and even better then any of the previous cod games.:lsvader:
Ok the real problem with this game is the stupid retarded way the game does lag compensation and conection to host. This is across the board complaint from pc, xbox and ps4. Im afraid this is the final nail in the cod franchise. Many of the gaming comunity have already dropped the game. For me it was a giant waste of 60 bucks. The maker, if he truly wanted to save the cod franchise, should have improved this. The game really sucks for me as a result and I would never dream of buying any dlps for it as a result......:furious::telefrag::lsvader:..Good bye evil, crappy disgusting piece of crap in pants and on floor COD AW!!!!!!
Well, at least I can say I got a cool Ghost mega blocks guy with my $60 order on COD - Ghost! :lol_hitting:
I don't think I'll ever buy another COD game! Farcry 4 though is sick on my new GTX980! Hoping.....Hardline will be better than the beta!! :icon_biggrin:
Welcome bro! V3non you talking about Farcry4? Are you our old team mate {AW}V3nom? You a friend of Die's? :wavey: ~Res
Bingo! lol I initially quit gaming (thus this team) because of school and haven't played a single game since. Now I have some more time on my hands I decided what the hell and bought Advanced Warfare.
Hey brother!! Wassup man!! Wow... Glad to see your back around man! :icon_biggrin: Been 2 years! Look out everyone! Another Grimm!! LoL So stick around and I'll think about putting the tag back on!! ~Res
...there are a few members with COD-AW so PM me or Res for the new TS3 info. We currently have a BF4 dedicated server we call home these days and been having a blast with that game as well....they seemed to have improved upon the game flow and run-n-gun is very do-a-ble! :Woot: anyway, good to see ya back and itching to frag once again!