-={AW}'s 2014 Summer LAN Party=- Offical Date **August 29th** Its that time of the year again to come down and Game, Drink, BBQ and hang out have some fun! BF4 will be main game, but as usual were open to all games! This Party is held in Anaheim California. To reserve your slot, Please post ASAP! So post now and look forward to the PARTY GUYS and GALS! The Details Place: {AW}ResidentEvil's House of Evil! (Anaheim, CA) When: Aug. 30th, 31st, 2014 (Fri. Aug. 29th setup day) Fee: $20.00/per person What to bring: Computer & Power Cord CAT5 (Ethernet) Cable Monitor (1) Keyboard Mouse (& mouse pad) Headsets Beverages of your choice (ice chest if want/need cold!) Snacks if you want overnight bag (if your spending the night) Bedding (sleeping bad, blankets, pillow etc... whatever you'll need) Primary Game: BF4 + ALL DLC's <----- Must have to attend!!! + UT2004 Gaming Attendee's so far: *{AW}ResidentEvil *{AW}Wassup *{AW}Laambo *{AW}LaamBete *{AW}SkullBash *{AW}Shadowwolf **{AW}ContractKiller **{AW}MyBallz *KFC *scatman *syntax error *Devil 2 U *borroxcorp_22 * = CONFIRMED! ** = CONFIRMED for 12 hrs or less! ~Res & Laambo
Well you know I'll be there early Friday hopefully save me a spot at end of table at big garage door :wavey::You_Rock:
Lets do this thing! Tables and chairs will be @ my house friday at noon! So I can use some help if any of you can make it a little early? Even though this is looking more like a MINI LAN? Still should be good times! :wavey: :icon_biggrin: :Woot: ~Res
WEEKEND is almost upon us!!!! arty: :Woot: For those of you who are missing either the game BF4 or ALL the DLC's that are out for the game you can find them HERE! :1poke: ... and if your attending the LAN make sure your prepared before you get here! Polish up those tags so they are nice and shinny for me and looking forward in fragging/partying with you this weekend! :greed:
Amazon has it on sale for $2 less than Origin. Less profit for Origin = the better Plus an excuse to use your gift cards if you have any http://www.amazon.com/Battlefield-Premium-Service-Online-Game/dp/B00EP13M28/
Buy a $50 Amazon gift cert, get $10 free: http://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=9358995011 then buy http://www.amazon.com/Battlefield-Premium-Service-Online-Game/dp/B00EP13M28/
Its ShowTime! :eusa_clap: :Woot: What to bring: Computer & Power Cord CAT5 (Ethernet) Cable Monitor (1) Keyboard Mouse (& mouse pad) Headsets Beverages of your choice (ice chest if want/need cold!) Snacks if you want overnight bag (if your spending the night) Bedding (sleeping bad, blankets, pillow etc... whatever you'll need) ~Res
As always thank you Mr. and Miss. Res for hosting such an awesome event and letting us into your home.