Got back into the swings of things with Aquariums. Picked up a 30 Gallon tank today! Currently have 2 sharks capable of reaching 12-16"
Very cool!! Get some oscars! Make sure you cycle rank for minimum 30 days before adding fish! To cycle Add couple gold fish... This will add bacteria to tank to cycle! Get the tetra 5/1 testing strips.. Once you ammonia, nitrates and ph are stable. Your good to go! :wavey: also make sure to do a 10-15% water change weekly and don't use tap water!!! You can buy water at fish store or local water Store! This will keep algae and silicates down!! ~Res
BTW your sharks will likely die if you didn't cycle the tank first or get ICK because unstable water will stress them big time! Hope they live though! :icon_biggrin: FYI ~Res