Well this totally sucks... http://time.com/37842/facebook-oculus-rift/ Just when I pre-ordered my DK2 kit...
Saw that. The dev kit went up in price, facebook bought oculus for a whopping 2 billion... That means that we're probably going to have a stupid video ad blocking our mini map once in a while. Facebook was never about the customer but only the dolla billz. Oculus started to be about the customer but got blinded by money. Hell, who would say no to 9 zeros? I would. I deleted facebook a long time ago when they announced more ads and killed some privacy terms in their ToS. Oculus is now dead to me.
Well, at least Oculus can get rid of their investors now. They'd only have to deal with FB (as a boss). According to Palmer, all this move does is accelerate a lot of his plans they have for Oculus.. we'll see what happens.. I hate the idea of a FB branded headset, that's full retard. I did have a negative physical reaction upon hearing the news though.. as did other people - I'm sure.