
Discussion in 'Basically Talk About Whatever?' started by {AW}contractkiller, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. no ones on anymore.... the only reason you should be on ts3 or playing is be cause you dead or your pc is dead or some shit man i just wanna play games....
  2. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    I was thinking the other day! Where has contractkiller been!! Lol

  3. Gr3mlyn

    Gr3mlyn New Member

    I have been away due to being on vacation with things to do :p
  4. MunkieBunz

    MunkieBunz New Member

    I have been busy working...
  5. {AW}monsterzero

    {AW}monsterzero New Member

    On a small trip in San Diego..
  6. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    .... now your close to AW home base! :icon_biggrin:

    just think....take vaca in May for LAN let the wife/kids go to Disneyland for the weekend! ... same city/town! :biggthumsup:

  7. {AW}Greywolf

    {AW}Greywolf New Member

    I'm almost always on there willies

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