The Division

Discussion in 'Gaming World & Technology.' started by r3ap3r63, Nov 2, 2014.


Yes or NO?

  1. yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. no

    4 vote(s)
  1. r3ap3r63

    r3ap3r63 New Member

    Alright everyone im wanting to get a poll going to see who will be buying the Division. I would really like to play this but having no one to play with in a coop game would be kinda shit so if no one is going to get it i wont be let me know.
  2. Gr3mlyn

    Gr3mlyn New Member

    I will snag a copy!
  3. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    Post info.!
    .... Trailer or something!

  4. r3ap3r63

    r3ap3r63 New Member

    i was getting there. this is 15 mins of gameplay. btw the games weather is probably one of the most intense we will have seen actual frost on windows if u shoot a car in the tire part of the car actually lowers its gonna be intense.
  5. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    3rd person! ... No Thank You!

  6. Gr3mlyn

    Gr3mlyn New Member

    Why do you have to be such a 1st person whore...
  7. r3ap3r63

    r3ap3r63 New Member

    agreed lol laambo dont be a scrub and give it a chance u might enjoy something besides being the knife whore you are. just sayin bro
  8. {AW}SkullBash

    {AW}SkullBash Warrior

    At first I was thinking wtf is The Division, then I realized you were talking about Tom Clancy's The Division. This game immediately caught my eye a long time ago. This game looks amazing. I would so be willing to get this if it comes out sometime soon. My income comes few and far between so iv got to spend my dollars wisely.
  9. {AW}Greywolf

    {AW}Greywolf New Member

    I know I'm getting it third person not bad but I think it fps view also Mass effect gave you both and Max Payne 3 even BF4 has third person view But this game will be a good one.

  10. {AW}illiterate

    {AW}illiterate Warrior

    :iamwithstupid: Yea Im in also
  11. r3ap3r63

    r3ap3r63 New Member

    see ty shadow mass effect max and even GTA are third person the games were fun this might be really fun. even more so if a good number of us from the clan join and kick some ass and take some names. the whole game is open world PVP not only just PVE so if you feel like screwing up someone elses evac you can the amount of chaos we cause if BF4 would be nothing to this game.

    and incase your kinda special " pvp" player vs player" pve player vs Environment

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