MrKitt3ns App

Discussion in 'Wanta be {AW}? Post Here.' started by MrKitt3ns, Jan 31, 2014.

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  1. MrKitt3ns

    MrKitt3ns Guest

    MrKitt3ns here, And I would like to join AW. I've been playing with you guys for the past few days, and ya'll seem like a great bunch of gamers! :D

    My real name is Igor, and I'm originally from Europe. I'm 19 years of age, Current soccer player, and car enthusiast. I also play video games on a daily basis. Plans for the future are getting into mechanical engineering or computer engineering. Grew up in a military family, all my grandparents, Uncles, and parents served in the military. Never ran a clan before, But i do have experience in running servers. Ran both minecraft and dayz servers, for a couple of years. And thats kinda it. yep.
  2. Dbl:Tap

    Dbl:Tap New Member

    Here Kitty Kitty Kitty!!!
  3. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    Very cool! Like I mentioned doubles thread.. Hang out, get to know everyone and stay active.. Poof another {AW} brother !:wavey:

  4. Gr3mlyn

    Gr3mlyn New Member

    Swear you have that sentence on a macro!
  5. Dbl:Tap

    Dbl:Tap New Member

  6. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    MrKitt3ns welcome to the forums bro! :biggthumsup:

    Good to see you on the forums and on TS having fun with us! :Thanks:

    Make sure you have the latest HERE .... and your on your way! :new_2gunsfiring_v1:

  7. {AW}illiterate

    {AW}illiterate Warrior

    :You_Rock:....Hey it would be great to have a pussy in the clan!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. MunkieBunz

    MunkieBunz New Member

    You're all we need Ill. :angel: :lol_hitting:
  9. Gr3mlyn

    Gr3mlyn New Member

    Another fellow Car enthusiast huh?
  10. MrKitt3ns

    MrKitt3ns Guest

    Yes i am! :D
  11. Gr3mlyn

    Gr3mlyn New Member

    Do tell!
  12. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    Stay active and follow the basic rules & poof your {AW}!

  13. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    Echo! :)

  14. Gr3mlyn

    Gr3mlyn New Member

    Why are you echoing yourself
  15. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    Just a reminder! So shut the front door! :whip: LOL

  16. Dbl:Tap

    Dbl:Tap New Member

    Kitty your "not a good fit" rotfl
  17. Gr3mlyn

    Gr3mlyn New Member

    He mad
  18. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    :Welcome: to the clan MrKitt3ns! :Welcome:

    MrKitt3ns.... please read the Clan Code of Conduct in our private section. You should now be able to view the private clan section at bottom of forums! ...just remember to log in with the {AW}! :cheers:

    Also, please make it an effort to check in the forums (preferably once per day) more frequently if your time permits! :Thanks:

    Welcome aboard and remember to wear the {AW} tag with honor and respect!

  19. MrKitt3ns

    MrKitt3ns Guest

    Wow lol thats harsh...
    Thank you sir! :Thanks:
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