
Discussion in 'Basically Talk About Whatever?' started by mGm_Lizard, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. mGm_Lizard

    mGm_Lizard New Member

    Hello Aggressive Warriors! :) I am the head admin of the UT2004 IG server Misery, Gore and Mayhem. Laambo, I was given the privilege to run some of your HoP maps on our server. I really like your work. :You_Rock: Loki hooked me up with them. Do you have more?

    I apologize for not starting a new thread before this. I didn't see that button yesterday. :eusa_wall:

    Just recently, I was given a tower by my bro. Now I can play UT4! What's the IP(s) to your UT4 server(s)?
  2. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    Very cool bro! :wavey: I've ran UT servers for over 10 years and been fun! Hopefully ut4 turns into something great? :icon_biggrin:

    There's got to be over 30 plus ut2k4 maps out there!

    Maybe I'll reopen our download section....We lost our 10 year old forums database last year to corruption!

  3. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    I just might have to pay your server a visit to see what maps you have/don't have! :icon_biggrin:

    I'm sure I may have a few you don't have although loki probably had most all of my earlier work I'm sure!

    You can find all my UT4 work here:
    ... one of these days I will create a 2k4 section for download and upload my 2k4 maps too!

    the ip to our UT4 server is:

    the ports will vary depending on what servers are up and running!

    ... currently I'm working and running a Hub server and have found that I'm having issues with the Hub when I also run our other 3 traditional servers ! ... so, I've shut down the traditional atm while I configure and setup the Hub server like we like! :biggthumsup:

    Thanks for posting up and intro'ing yourself and thank you for the PM thank you! :biggthumsup: -----> :You_Rock:

  4. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    ok, paid a quick visit to your server the other night to check n what maps you had and I'm impressed! I do have a few more you don't have and I shook off the dust of my 2k4 server fired it up to see what I have and wow...that brings back some memories!

    one of these days we'll get on the same page and hook up so we can see what other maps you would be interested in! :biggthumsup:

    ... I know loki would like my latest LAN Party map I did of our clans founder's garage where we hold our annual LAN parties at! ... lots of hiding places, secrets and places to explore! :icon_biggrin:



  5. mGm_Lizard

    mGm_Lizard New Member

    Yes, I've noticed that's one of his favorite things to do in the game. If you upload your latest map to the aw ts3 server Development channel browser, I'll grab it when I get home from work. :)
  6. FX^

    FX^ Warrior

    Hello :)

  7. {AW}illiterate

    {AW}illiterate Warrior

    Well I don't know. We can sell them to you for 20 bucks apiece!! Just make the check out to {AW}illiterate and pm me for the address. Wait a minute you might be Canadian....better make it a money order....LOL

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