hey all

Discussion in 'Basically Talk About Whatever?' started by Atomicfire, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. Atomicfire

    Atomicfire New Member

    hi guys
    Laambo has put my ctf november map up for testing and though why join the AW community and a big thanks to all AW have tested them allrdy
  2. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    Welcome bro! Keep the maps coming! Nice work!

  3. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    sup Atomicfie!

    Welcome to the forums bro!
  4. FX^

    FX^ Warrior

    Welcome! And congrats for making a good map :)
  5. Atomicfire

    Atomicfire New Member

    thanks alot guys
  6. Atomicfire

    Atomicfire New Member

    hey guys just to ask are u guys going to have a Map \ mods forum ?? if so i jsut want to post my maps on thier to kept u guys updated

    CTF-NovemberC105 Inforamtion - **1/02/16**
    • 32 players Max
    • CTF only for now
    • Size of map is only 13mb
    • Original Textures

    Downlaod Link New Version **1/02/16**
  7. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    just start a new thread in the Gaming section and make it your own like I did! :biggthumsup:

    ... I just need to update my thread with my maps and bring it up to date as I have a lot of maps that have updated and new ones that are not there!
  8. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    this did not work for me, said it was older version and needs to be recooked! .... let me know when you have a fresh cooked version....I need more maps as all older versions have been removed/deleted from all servers!

    ... this is how ALL major updates have been and will continue probable till final release of UT4!
  9. FX^

    FX^ Warrior

    Don't forget, if you wanna reduce map size now you have to use rattle snakes Bat file to compress them.

    Just copy paste the following text into a note pad file and save it as CompressPak.bat

    Then drag your Pak file onto the bat file and it will compress it. You have to put the bat file in your programs,epic,unrealtournamenteditor folder first. You cannot uncompressed the map once you have compressed it, so make sure you have a backup just in case.

    Here is the text to copy.

    @echo off

    set BinPath=Engine\Binaries\Win64
    set BinUnrealPak=UnrealPak.exe
    set PAKARGS=-compress
    set FILEARGS=-compress
    set MountPoint=../../../UnrealTournament/
    set CustomRoot=

    set overwrite=1
    set force=0
    set uncompress=0

    :: -----------------------------------------------------

    set script_no_wait=1
    set script_silent=0

    set UE4Root=%~dp0
    if NOT ["%CustomRoot%"] == [""] set UE4Root=%CustomRoot%\

    :: Normalize paths
    set UE4Root=%UE4Root:\\=\%
    set UE4Root=%UE4Root:"=%

    set OutDir=%TEMP%\%~n1
    set NewPak=%~dp0%~nx1
    set UnrealPak=%UE4Root%%BinPath%\%BinUnrealPak%

    :: Normalize UnrealPak bin
    set OutDir=%OutDir:\\=\%
    set OutDir=%OutDir:"=%

    set PakDir=%OutDir%\Pak
    set PakResponseFile=%OutDir%\list.txt

    :: Normalize UnrealPak bin
    set UnrealPak=%UnrealPak:\\=\%
    set UnrealPak=%UnrealPak:"=%

    : Check if opened from CMD
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set testl=%cmdcmdline:"=%
    set testr=!testl:%~nx0=!
    set FromDrop=0
    if not "%testl%" == "%testr%" (
    :: opened from drag'n'drop
    set script_no_wait=0
    set FromDrop=1
    ) else (
    :: opened from CMD
    set overwrite=0

    if "%2"=="-s" set script_silent=1
    if "%3"=="-s" set script_silent=1

    call :NullLine
    call :Header #########################################################################
    call :Header =========================================================================
    call :Msg UE4 pak file compressing script v0.5
    call :Msg by RattleSN4K3
    call :Header -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    call :Msg A small command line script allowing to re-compress pak files
    call :Header -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    call :Header

    call :Wait 1000

    if not exist "%UnrealPak%" goto :Error_BatchFileInWrongLocation
    if %1.==. GOTO :Error_NoParameters
    if not exist %1 goto :Error_NoPakFile %1
    ECHO.%~a1 | find "d" >NUL 2>NUL && (
    goto :Error_IsDir %1

    if "%2"=="-o" set overwrite=1
    if "%3"=="-o" set overwrite=1
    if "%4"=="-o" set overwrite=1
    if "%2"=="-f" set force=1
    if "%3"=="-f" set force=1
    if "%4"=="-f" set force=1
    if "%2"=="-u" set uncompress=1
    if "%3"=="-u" set uncompress=1
    if "%4"=="-u" set uncompress=1

    if %uncompress% == 1 (
    set PAKARGS=
    set FILEARGS=

    :: Info
    call :Msg Processing:
    call :Msg %~n1
    call :Msg (%~dp1)
    call :Msg
    call :Msg Options:
    if %uncompress% == 1 (
    call :Msg - Uncompress file
    if %overwrite% == 1 (
    call :Msg - Overwrite original file
    ) else (
    set TempVar1=
    set TempVar2=
    call :GetPath TempVar1=%NewPak%
    call :GetFilename TempVar2=%NewPak%

    call :Msg - Output file: !TempVar2!
    call :Msg - Output dir: !TempVar1!

    if %force% == 0 (
    if exist "%NewPak%" GOTO :Error_Exists
    ) else (
    call :Msg - Force overwrite output file
    call :Msg

    :: Process options
    set PakFile=%1
    if %overwrite% == 1 (
    set NewPak=%1
    if %FromDrop% == 1 (
    echo.Press any key to continue...
    pause > nul

    :: Clean up old temp files
    if exist "%OutDir%" (
    call :Msg Clean up old temp files...
    rmdir "%OutDir%" /s /q
    call :Msg Clean up old temp files done.

    :: Extracting
    call :Msg Extracting...
    "%UnrealPak%" %PakFile% -extract "%PakDir%" > nul
    call :Msg Extracting done.

    :: Count path depth
    set count=0
    call :countdepth "%PakDir%"

    :: Check mounting
    pushd %PakDir%
    set subpath=
    for /f "tokens=%count%* delims=\" %%f in ('dir /b /s /a-h-s *-AssetRegistry.bin') do (
    set subpath=/%%g
    set subpath=!subpath:%%~nxg=!

    set subpath=%subpath:\=/%
    if NOT "%subpath%" == "/" (
    set MountPoint=!MountPoint:%subpath%=/!

    :: Creating response file

    :: preserve pak order (kinda)
    set orderfile=%OutDir%\order.txt
    "%UnrealPak%" %PakFile% -list > %orderfile%
    for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (%orderfile%) do (
    set InFile=
    call :parseOutputList InFile=%%A
    if NOT "!InFile!" == "" (
    echo "%PakDir%\!InFile!" "%MountPoint%!InFile!" %FILEARGS%>>%PakResponseFile%

    :: !!! OLD CODE BELOW

    :: pushd %PakDir%
    :: for /f "tokens=%count%* delims=\" %%f in ('dir /b /s /a-d-h-s') do (
    :: echo "%PakDir%\%%g" "%MountPoint%%%g" %FILEARGS%>>%PakResponseFile%
    :: )
    :: popd

    :: !!! OLD CODE END

    :: Compressing
    if %overwrite% == 1 (
    call :Msg Overwriting old pak file
    call :Msg Compressing...
    "%UnrealPak%" %NewPak% -create="%PakResponseFile%" %PAKARGS% > nul
    call :Msg Compressing done.

    :: Deleting temp files
    if exist "%OutDir%" (
    call :Msg Deleting temp files...
    rmdir "%OutDir%" /s /q
    call :Msg Deleting temp files done.

    call :Msg
    call :Msg Process done.

    call :Wait 5000
    goto :Exit

    call :Msg ERROR:
    call :Msg The batch file does not appear to be located in the root UE4 directory.
    call :Msg This script must be run from within that directory.
    call :Msg
    call :Msg or specify 'CustomRoot' in the top of this file.
    call :Msg
    if %FromDrop% == 1 pause
    goto Exit

    call :Msg ERROR:
    call :Msg No parameter set.
    call :Msg
    call :Wait 500
    goto Exit

    call :Msg ERROR:
    call :Msg No valid pak file given. Unable to find given file:
    call :Msg %~1
    call :Msg
    call :Wait 1000
    goto Exit

    call :Msg ERROR:
    call :Msg Input file is a directory:
    call :Msg %~1
    call :Msg
    call :Wait 1000
    goto Exit

    call :Msg
    call :Msg ERROR:
    call :Msg Output file already exists.
    call :Msg Use the force option (-f) to overwrite or delete the file.
    call :Msg
    call :Wait 2000
    goto Exit

    if %script_silent% == 0 echo #%*
    goto :EOF

    if %script_silent% == 0 echo # %*
    goto :EOF

    if %script_silent% == 0 echo.
    goto :EOF

    if %script_no_wait% == 0 @ping -n 1 -w %1 > nul
    goto :EOF

    set list=%1
    set list=%list:"=%
    FOR /f "tokens=1* delims=\" %%a IN ("%list%") DO (
    if not "%%a" == "" call Set /A count+=1
    if not "%%b" == "" call :countdepth "%%b"
    goto :EOF

    set %~1=%~n2
    goto :EOF

    set %~1=%~dp2
    goto :EOF

    :: setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set string=%*
    set "find=*Display: "
    call set string=%%string:!find!=%%

    set "find=* offset: "
    call set delete=%%string:!find!=%%
    call set string=%%string:!delete!=%%

    :: remove " offset: "
    set string=%string:~0,-9%

    set first=%string:~0,1%
    set first=%first:"=%
    if "%first%" == "" (
    :: remove quotes
    set string=%string:~1,-1%
    set %~1=!string!
    ) else (
    set %~1=
    goto :EOF

    :: setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set string=%*
    set "find=*Display: "
    call set string=%%string:!find!=%%

    :: remove " OK."
    set string=%string:~0,-4%

    set first=%string:~0,1%
    set first=%first:"=%
    if "%first%" == "" (
    :: remove quotes
    set string=%string:~1,-1%
    set %~1=!string!
    ) else (
    set %~1=
    goto :EOF

    Atomicfire likes this.
  10. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    yeah, this is unacceptable in my opinion! .... this will kill the community little more! ... watch and see! :(
  11. Atomicfire

    Atomicfire New Member

    wot my map killing the community :( FFS
  12. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    lol, .... no, was responding to FX^'s post on the compression hack/fix which now what I understand only will work in offline mode and not online with servers!?
    Atomicfire likes this.
  13. Atomicfire

    Atomicfire New Member

    Lamo i thought so
    but nearly crap myself if it was, i was like reading the replys and thinking crap deltle the links but then thought wait untill i get a replay im lgad i did :p

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