
Discussion in 'Basically Talk About Whatever?' started by FX^, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. FX^

    FX^ Warrior

    Hey guys! Nice UT Alpha server you have! :)

    Not bad fragging skills on you lot too!

    A little about me...

    I'm British and have been living in LA for 6 years.
    I used to be a VERY active DIV 1 Clan Base insta player up until 7 years ago, then I moved here and went into music full time. Haven't had a gaming rig since. I run a kick ass iMac, but Epic have a fault with the engine as far as Mac's go. So aiming is awful and the game runs much slower than it does on a PC. But they did tell me it's going to be fixed in the distant future. I also have an old win 7 PC. It seems to run the game just fine and plays sooooo fast compared to my Mac. Although it does Blue screen and have some trouble handling a full sever.

    In time I think I may build a new gaming rig as I really like the way the new UT is shaping up. It's just a shame Clan Base is no more :(
    Anyhow. See ya on the servers! :D
  2. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member


    Sup FX^!

    :Thanks: for stopping by to say hi! :You_Rock:

    ...I'll PM you the TS3 info for you so you can jump on and join us for some fragging fun! :Instagib:

  3. {AW}SkullBash

    {AW}SkullBash Warrior

    Welcome to our humble abode. Make yourself at home but don't track any dirt on our new hardwood floors. :whip:

    Hope to see you in my crosshairs soon :Instagib:

  4. {AW}LaamBete

    {AW}LaamBete Shield Maden Warrior

    :Welcome: to our Forums! :Instagib:
  5. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    Good Ganes last night bro!!


    Welcome to the forums!


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