Hello AW

Discussion in 'Basically Talk About Whatever?' started by DxTrEm3Fx, Jan 5, 2020.

  1. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Hello Guy's,
    Long time no see. I see some of you on the Epic game launcher and in Borderlands 3. Can any of you run Mayhem 4 Bl3? I've been dreading leveling up 4 different characters. I would love to do some power leveling if anyone is up for it. I'm currently on my 3rd character leveling to 50. I can run Mayhem 4 with both of my other two characters and can farm any of the bosses or Circle of slaughters. Glad to see you guy's are still playing games.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2020
  2. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    Sup DxTrEm3Fx :wave:

    I have got … Operative, Beastmaster and a Gunner at level 50 (all currently on Normal mode) and I have my Siren at level 43 (Chapter 21) right now! … my 4 primary characters!

    I started another Beastmaster to check out the Jabber pet (my first was a Skag Dog) just beat the game with that one last night and he is at level 47!
    I also have started two others (Gunner and Siren) to check out different builds/tree than I did with my others.

    I'm playing with the wife on a couple of the characters so we have set our join to invite only as we are doing all challenges/sides and stuff the game has to hunt for!

    ResidentEvil is your man for the mayhem 4 mode! I'll get his ass in here and will send you our TS3 and Discord links in a PM!

    :laambo: that was fast kill in the video above! I've recorded a couple of mine in the normal mode finishing up the game i'll have to upload to youtube!
    DxTrEm3Fx likes this.
  3. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Damn, that's a bunch of characters. I'm at about 288 hours into the game on my three characters. I have a Beastmaster and Siren at LVL 50 and currently ranking up an Operative that is sitting at LVL 38. I was playing the other day and Res login to my game. I'm not too fond of the fact Bl3 doesn't have a chat menu, so I was unable to say anything to Res. I guess Gearbox assumes everyone will be using voice chat. Thank you for the link to Discord and TS3.
  4. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    yeah, Res mentioned he joined you and died pretty fast! :lolhitting:

    To chat in BL3 they use the "Y" key for chat! ;)

    is it me or was facing Tyreen was much easier than facing Troy!?
    DxTrEm3Fx likes this.
  5. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    DX related to you Laambo? He looks like your Twin! :)
    I'm on right now and ready to battle.. Didn't know you hit Y to chat.. learn something new every day!

    Wish Epic would finish UT4 as we have over 20 maps ready to go!

    Welcome back to forums DX
  6. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    Also, just to let you know our discord has a channel that automatically receives and post all VIP/Shift Codes for all Borderland games! :biggthumsup:
  7. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Tyreen and Troy were both hard. But with my god roll weapons I melt everything on Mayhem 4. It isn't even a challenge anymore.
  8. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    Thank you Res,
    Epic isn't going to finish UT4. That is a community build version of the game. Epic isn't going to waste anytime on a free game that's not making any money. I saw Laambo mapping like a MF'er when UT4 came out. I wish I was better at 3dSmax or whatever everyone uses for mapping in UT4. The editor is just beyond me now days, it would take too much time to learn (like all the time I'm spending playing BL3). I still like UT99 and UT2k4. I still have maps i've been working on just never released in both UT99 and UT2k4..I'll have to try the "Y" key in bl3.
  9. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    I believe our ut2k4 booming run server is still running! I recently built new rig and have ut only on disk with no CR ROM to install..

    Do you guys have a link to download ut2k4? I’d love to install. I don’t trust too many links on web these days!

  10. DxTrEm3Fx

    DxTrEm3Fx New Member

    I just have my original copy of UT2k4 no links sorry.
  11. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    Try Steam?

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