
Discussion in 'Got Ban or need to Vent?' started by taleewhakker, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. taleewhakker

    taleewhakker New Member

    Hello, I was playing on your server earlier this afternoon and had a good time on your sever. After the round my son came in and needed help with his bicycle. I was on the deploy screen when I stepped away to go help him. When I returned I had been booted from the game. I assumed it was just because I was idle for too long or something. I tried to rejoin, but was told I had been banned from the sever. I can't read the reason because it's cut off at the bottom of my screen. I would just like to inquire as to why I was banned. I wasn't hacking or cheating. I wasn't being rude or disrespectful to anyone. I enjoy playing on your server and was very disappointed to find I had been banned. I look forward to hearing from you.
    My in game handle is MSC_TaLeeWhaKKer

  2. {BHK}Die-All

    {BHK}Die-All New Member

    ok its been fixed
  3. {AW}ResidentEvil

    {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader Staff Member

    Welcome to our forums! :wavey: GG's today! :icon_biggrin:

  4. {AW}Laambo

    {AW}Laambo Clan Leader Staff Member

    You nailed it TaleeWhaKKer, Idle kick/ban! :furious: ... like Die-All said he fixed that and you should be good to go! :biggthumsup:

    ... Thank you for taking the time to register and let us know and if there is anything else let us know!

    Welcome to our Forums!

  5. taleewhakker

    taleewhakker New Member

    Thank You!
    Thank you Res. I enjoyed the games today.
    No problem. Thanks
  6. MunkieBunz

    MunkieBunz New Member

    LOL Love the name and welcome to our forums! In my experience helping kids with anything takes a lot longer than usually expected. I also found out the hard way that some default server settings ban people for a period of time for an idle timeout. Because of that I just quit the game when I need to step away. I learned not to care about stats a lonnnggg time ago.

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