:wavey: First off you need to your homework....get as much info as you can as your trying to do now! ... knowledge is power! :biggthumsup:...
Hey Steve sorry you feel you need to "resend" your app. as like the "Before posting please *READ*" thread says ... "Keep in mind that there is...
Well, bad news for checking out the new maps... On March 25, Battlefield 4 Premium members on consoles will be able to experience the ultimate...
:wavey: On March 25, Battlefield 4 Premium members on consoles will be able to experience the ultimate sea-to-sea warfare in the third expansion...
Thanks for the heads up bro and yes.....NAVAL STRIKE NIGHT! :Woot: :laambo:
Now we talking my language! :icon_biggrin: ... Go Navy! :greed: http://youtu.be/2X8oGy4G7tM Battlefield 4 Naval Strike releasing for...
:wavey: Just to remind all you that have been playing Titanfall of late that tonight is BF4 night! :biggthumsup: ALso, I would like All...
.... now your close to AW home base! :icon_biggrin: just think....take vaca in May for LAN let the wife/kids go to Disneyland for the weekend!...
Love the last part when cam went panning back view....the car seat! :biggthumsup: :lol_hitting: :laambo:
:wavey:...info. in you PM box! See you on the Battlefield! :biggthumsup: :laambo:
:wavey: :Welcome: to our forums MjrBadKarma! If you haven't already, please read our Basic Rules HERE! ...that page will also...
:wavey: Newegg is giving you the chance to win the ultimate Titanfall gaming experience with a custom-painted Titanfall Desktop PC, triple...
:Welcome: to the clan MrKitt3ns! :Welcome: MrKitt3ns.... please read the Clan Code of Conduct in our private section. You should now be able...
:wavey: EVERYONE PLEASE READ! ... this is why I keep saying...."Keep It In TS!" Click --------> READ THIS! :Thanks: :laambo:
:Welcome: to the clan r3ap3r! :Welcome: r3ap3r.... please read the Clan Code of Conduct in our private section. You should now be able to view...
That's what I'm Talking about! :Woot: ...we bought SkullBash his first computer at age 3! :greed: :biggthumsup:
:wavey: BUY A SELECT EVGA® GEFORCE® GTX 600 OR 700 SERIES CARD – GET DEADFALL ADVENTURES™ FREE!* Valid only for purchases on or after October...
:Thanks: :biggthumsup: :laambo:
Within an hour after I had it up and running we had 10 players come and go. :icon_biggrin: ...when I got back from taking my son to school it...
Server now running Second Assault exclusively! Enjoy! :cheers: :laambo:
Separate names with a comma.